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Inaugural Meeting

  • 03/15/2018
  • 5:30 PM
  • 4920 W Irving Park


Registration is closed

You are invited to the inaugural meeting of

Six Corners Chamber of Commerce

Thursday March 15

5:30pm Reception

6:00pm Meeting Starts

Las Tablas Colombian Steak House

4920 W Irving Park Road

  • ·        Chicago Police Commander William Looney, 16th District will lead an open discussion on business safety tips
  • ·        Updates on new developments on the Portage Theater and the former Bank of America site.

Complimentary Appetizers and drinks will be served

We are a 501(c) (6) organization chartered by the state of Illinois and register with the City of Chicago department of Business Affairs. Our focus is on the economic revitalization of our historic shopping district.

Founding membership are only $40 per year. On May 1 memberships go up to $75. Please join the Six Corners Chamber of Commerce now and help your business thrive.

Question call Joe Angelastri 773-481-7100


The Six Corners Chamber of Commerce partners with businesses

located at the intersection of Irving Park Road, Cicero Avenue, and Milwaukee Avenue in Chicago, IL.

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